What is a blog?
We’ve shared great tips on how to write eye-catching blog posts.
To blog was originally invented by combining the words web and log, meaning having a website and logging everything you are thinking and doing; this was how blogging came to be. You most likely want to keep a blog to log your thoughts, your ideas, your experiences in the form of reviews, images, videos, and much more.

Brief Summary
A blog is a type of website that consists of articles about specific or various topics. It can be used to attract more traffic to your website, or simply to express your thoughts and share it with the rest of the world.
A significant advantage of a blog, where you can log everything mentioned above, is that you can keep everything in one place. You don’t have to choose only to log your experiences on your blog; you can log everything mentioned above in one place and share it with everyone.
Another great advantage of a blog is that you can stay in touch with family and friends via your blog. Your family and friends can always be in the loop and follow your journey. For example, if you like to travel, you can keep a travel diary and share all your thoughts and images of your travels with friends and family. However, you can also decide not to share it with anyone and just have it as your personal photo album but with text and videos if you’d like. You can walk back down memory lane easily; all you have to do is visit your blog whenever you feel like reminiscing.

What is a blog used for?
As mentioned above, you can create your own blog to share your thoughts and experiences; and you can do so with just a few clicks. Thus, creating and maintaining a blog is not complicated at all.
Your blog does not have to be a private blog or a blog that you only share with friends and family. You can also try to do business out of your blog. For example, you can promote products and services by writing a blog post about them. You can promote your own stuff as well if you have a website on the side. There are many various things that you can do with your blog and with blog posts.
You are probably aware that many people make their living through blogging. You can gain a massive following if you have a really cool blog where you post interesting blog posts and have exciting blog pages. If you have a huge following, you’ll entice various businesses to post advertisements on your blog since you have a blog following. This method benefits you because you can promote a company that you like while getting paid for it, and the company, in return, will also gain new customers; your visitors who read your blog pages.

What does a blog look like?
Firstly, you can customise your blog exactly how you want it. You decide the theme of your blog. Choosing a theme or customising your blog is not something that’s set in stone. You can always make changes to your blog, all depending on your mood.
A blog typically consists of four sections that help guide your visitors and readers.
You should have a header – the name of your blog and a logo. This should be clear and eye-catching because it’s a part of brand recognition.
You should also have a navigation menu to help your readers find their way around your blog. It can, for example, be a page about who you are and why you decided to create a blog. It can also be a contact page so that people can quickly get in touch with you.

A sidebar is where you can add your most popular blog posts or a piece of information that you’d like to share with your visitors. Your sidebar can include widgets or just a piece of content that you’d like to highlight. You can, for example, have something like ‘Quote of the week’.
You can also share links to your favourite websites on the sidebar or an event that people can sign up for if you’re hosting an event or activity.
Additionally, you can add your various social media buttons to ensure that your visitors follow you on all your platforms.

The footer exists on your blog for content that doesn’t change. You can include the page ‘about you’ down in the footer and even your contact page. These pages will most likely not be changed that often so it’s good to include them in the footer.
The body
Finally, a blog consists of a body; also one of the most critical aspects of your blog. This is where all your rich content is placed. This is most likely where you write your interesting and engaging content that entices people to visit your blog; it’s the primary reason people visit your blog.
The body can be several blog posts that your visitors can click on to read the entire blog post. That being said, it’s totally up to you how you want your blog page to look.

The difference between a blog page and a blog post
You might wonder what the differences are between a blog page and a blog post. Well, a blog page is typically a static page. You write information on a blog page that you don’t often change; you can write about yourself on a blog page and write where and how people can contact you on your blog page.
A blog post is a place where you can share your ideas and thoughts with your visitors. You should publish a blog post every day to ensure that your content is rich and beneficial for your readers. In addition, whenever you publish a new blog post, it should appear first in the body of your blog so that your readers are aware that you’ve shared something new.
Writing blog posts is like writing in your journal, but blog posts are even better than journals because people can comment on your blog posts. You can start a conversation with your readers and get their opinions and thoughts on the subject you’ve written. Blogging is an excellent way for you to connect with other people in the world. Blogging is also a great way to set your creative side free, have fun, and play around.
Don’t wait any longer; start blogging today and share all your cool thoughts and experiences with the world.