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Christel Striekwold

We’re excited to share the story of Christel Striekwold. She hosts her website christelstriekwold.com at one.com, where she helps customers to boost their website by optimising SEO content. Read more about her experience with us and how she started her business from scratch.

From dream to reality

Christel started her journey in 2019 as a freelance marketeer and quickly became a copywriter. Despite having a different career path, she quickly realised that her passion and interest lie in marketing, writing blogs, and social media. To broaden her knowledge, she followed business coaching training to be fully equipped with the necessary skills.  Nowadays, she works for companies as an SEO copywriter, translator and content writer. She uses a personal approach where she truly gets to know her customers and builds a connection with them, before optimising their website.

Creating her website

As far as her website goes, Christel uses both Website Builder and WordPress. She uses WordPress for blogs and builds her main website with Website Builder, which she finds handy, user-friendly and easy to use. While building her website, she mostly enjoyed picking the designs and found it interesting to experiment with colours. By using the colour theme feature in Website Builder, she eventually found the perfect colours that represent her brand best.  

As social media presence plays an important role in brand visibility, Christel is active on both Facebook and Instagram. Instead of using a link in bio page, as most businesses do, she instead created a page in Website Builder where she links to.  

Some words of advice

In terms of advice, Christel wants to spread the message that it doesn’t have to be hard to make a website SEO-proof. Changing a few simple things to a website goes a long way to getting found easier on search engines. More generally speaking, Christel wants to encourage people to listen to their passion and follow their dreams.  

“If you want to become an entrepreneur, it’s worth taking the risk and to just go for it. They don’t say hard work pays off for no reason”.  

Over time, Christel hopes to expand her business and to become more prominent in the female entrepreneurial world as an SEO copywriter. As it can be quite challenging to run your own business, she hopes to set up a small team to assist her with the increasing responsibilities.  

Do you want to know more about Christel and her work? Check out her website at christelstriekwold.com

Start building your website

All our hosting plans include Website Builder. With our drag-and-drop interface and beautiful templates, you’ll publish your professional website in no time.