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Complete guide to B2B segmentation

With B2B segmentation, you get insights into your potential customers' needs, improve your marketing, and increase your sales. Read our guide!...

  8 minute read

How to perform a competitor analysis in 4 steps

Carry out a solid competitor analysis in just 4 steps for a stronger market position both now and in the future – here's how!...

  11 minute read

What is tone of voice? The ultimate beginner’s guide 

This guide gives you everything you need to know about tone of voice and how you can use it to strengthen your brand. ...

  18 minute read

Workshop: Create website content that captivates your target audience 

Make your target audience remember your website! This workshop will give you several ideas for content on your website that sparks interest....

  22 minute read

Email copywriting guide: Boost sales with engaging e-mails

Her får du vores 18 bedste skrivetips til læseværdige e-mails, der konverterer og fanger læserens opmærksomhed i en overfyldt indbakke. ...

  12 minute read

The 5 best copywriting formulas – how to hit the mark with your texts

Here you get 5 of the best copywriting formulas, making it much easier to write convincing texts for websites, ads, and emails....

  12 minute read

SEO Copywriting: a beginner’s guide with 12 tips

How do you write good SEO texts? Here is your beginner's guide to SEO texts that attract traffic to your website and provide value to the reader....

  16 minute read

Write captivating headlines: 11 hacks and examples

Grab the reader’s attention in seconds with click-worthy headlines. We give you 11 hacks with examples....

  11 minute read

Find, define, and tailor target audiences for your business

Who is your target audience, and how do you find them? Our approach with 7 tips helps you tailor target groups for your business!...

  18 minute read

How to reach your target audience: a workshop with examples

How do you reach out to your target audience? We have created a Workshop so you can create a customised marketing plan for effective communication to your target group....

  12 minute read

A beginner’s guide to target audiences 

This in-depth guide teaches you everything you need to know about target audiences, how to segment them, and why they are important for your brand!...

  17 minute read

25 ultimate SEO tips – our best tips to optimise for search 

Good search engine optimisation can make your website a success! We have collected our 25 best tips for SEO in one place....

  17 minute read

Copywriting for beginners – guide and tips

Copywriting is the art of writing of texts that convert. If you want to write persuasive texts, read along as we review effective writing models and great tips!...

  14 minute read

Core Web Vitals: what these metrics are and how to optimise your site

Explore the significance of Core Web Vitals. Learn how these essential metrics impact user engagement, search engine optimisation, and how to improve for a successful website. ...

  9 minute read

Strengthen your brand with storytelling – 5 tips

Relatable stories make your brand more than just a logo. Get started with storytelling that makes customers remember your company. See examples and get 5 tips.  ...

  12 minute read

How to write better anchor texts – 8 examples

What are anchor texts? Read along as we delve into why good anchor texts are important for SEO. You also get tips and examples!...

  12 minute read

How to write a press release – templates and examples

What are press releases and how do you write one? Read along as we go through examples and writing tips. You also get a template!...

  10 minute read

Create a business idea – with 5 examples

We help you create a business idea and give you 5 examples. Get help from our guide and write your business idea in just a few easy steps!...

  10 minute read

What is hreflang? A beginner’s guide with examples 

We dive into what hreflang tags are and why they are important for SEO. You also get examples of how to create and insert hreflang tags!...

  11 minute read

Optimise the digital customer journey in your online shop

Gain loyal customers and increase your conversions with an optimised customer journey. From definition to mapping the customer journey – we cover it all. ...

  13 minute read

Metadata for SEO: the ultimate guide for your website 

Metadata is the foundation of good SEO. In this ultimate guide, we explain all types of metadata, how to write a meta title, and much more....

  15 minute read

What is bounce rate?

Your bounce rate tells you how many users leave your website without doing anything. Learn why it matters and where to find it in Google Analytics....

  9 minute read

What is retargeting? How to ensure users remember you

Retargeting, or reaching out to users who have already visited your site, is an effective marketing tool. Read our guide....

  8 minute read

What is greenwashing? – and how to avoid it in your online shop

Transparent and accurate marketing is the key to avoiding greenwashing in your online shop. Read our guide!...

  9 minute read

How to add video content into your marketing strategy – plus 5 benefits

Video content can be used to engage your audience, boost SEO, and show your brand identity. Read about benefits and best practices for video marketing. ...

  10 minute read

What is social proof? Exploring its role in marketing

Boost ecommerce sales with social proof: learn how to build trust, credibility, and conversions through customer reviews and more. ...

  8 minute read

What is NPS? An introduction to Net Promoter Score

Measuring NPS helps you get insights into customer satisfaction. Learn all about this key metric in this article. ...

  10 minute read

What is brand trust? 4 top tips to boost trust in your brand

Building brand trust is essential for sales and conversion. Learn key ways to build and maintain brand trust in this guide. ...

  7 minute read

How to write AI prompts that get results

Learn how to create effective prompts for high-quality AI-generated content. Improve your writing process today. ...

  8 minute read

How to write fantastic product descriptions – including 6 top tips

Boost sales with strong product descriptions. Get expert tips for writing persuasive product descriptions in this guide....

  12 minute read

Web accessibility and its importance for your website 

Web accessibility: learn why it matters, how to implement it, and how it increases conversions and trust in your brand....

  12 minute read

What is a content calendar?

Discover how content calendars boost SEO and ecommerce. Learn the benefits and steps to creating a content calendar. ...

  9 minute read

What is AI writing and why should you consider using AI writing tools? 

Learn about AI writing and its benefits and risks. Get informed about how AI can help you with content creation in this article....

  9 minute read

What is a content audit and why is it important for your website?

Your content is an asset. A content audit ensures you have the right content for your audience. We'll show you how to run a content audit....

  15 minute read

How to get more traffic to your website?

Do you want more traffic to your website? Look no further! In this article, you will find 10 helpful tips to get more visitors to your site....

  9 minute read

What is A/B testing?

With A/B testing, you compare 2 versions to determine which works best. Do you want to know more? Read this article!...

  9 minute read

What is integrated marketing communication?

An article teaching what integrated marketing communication is. It also explains the benefits and disadvantages of integrated marketing communication....

  4 minute read

What is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is timeless, relevant and valuable content. But how do you create it? In this article, you will find a helpful step-by-step plan....

  8 minute read

Business growth: 10 strategies to start today!

Growing your business is essential to keep your business healthy. That is why you will find 10 helpful strategies to get started in this article....

  8 minute read

What are backlinks? Definition and how to get them (2024)

Backlinks are an essential part of your website’s SEO. Learn what they are, how they work, and how to get them. Click and read on....

  6 minute read

What is influencer marketing?

An article featuring a definition of influencer marketing. It also explains how it works and its future....

  4 minute read

What is outbound marketing?

An article teaching you the definition of outbound marketing. It also shares examples and explains the benefits and downsides of outbound marketing....

  4 minute read

What is SEO and how does it work?

With SEO, you make sure your website ranks in search engines like Google. But what exactly is it, and how does it work? You can read about SEO in this article....

  10 minute read

What’s growth marketing? definition and how to use it (2024)

An article teaching what growth marketing is. It also features a growth marketing formula and strategy for you to use. Read on....

  4 minute read

What is branding in marketing? Definition and how to use it

An article with a definition of what branding is in marketing. It also features examples and teaches you how to use branding to bolster your business....

  4 minute read

What is a marketing funnel, and how does it work?

A marketing funnel gives you insights into your target audience's buying process. But how do you create one? You'll find out in this article....

  6 minute read

Why market research is important

An article teaching what content marketing is. It also teaches how to create a content marketing strategy and shares examples. Read more now....

  12 minute read

How to register a business name in the UK (2024)

An article teaching how to register a business name in the UK. It also explains why you need a domain name and how to register one....

  5 minute read

How to start your own business

Do you want to start your own business but you don’t know how? This step-by-step guide will help you get started....

  10 minute read

Marketing mix: what it is, definition, and examples (2024)

An article teaching what marketing mix is. It features a definition and examples of marketing mix. See them now....

  4 minute read

New Year New Business

Being self employed doing something you love and are good at is a great New Years resolution. In this article, we’ll explain how to go about taking your dream online. ...

  10 minute read

What are External Links and How Do They Work?

External links are an important part of SEO and can help your website rank higher in search engine results pages....

  3 minute read

What Are Orphan Pages?

In this guide, we will discuss what internal linking is, why it matters, and how to do it correctly....

  2 minute read

A Guide to Internal Linking: What It Is and How to Do It

In this guide, we will discuss what internal linking is, why it matters, and how to do it correctly....

  3 minute read

What is a hyperlink?

A hyperlink is a word, phrase, or image that is linked to another document or website. When you click on the hyperlink, it takes you to the other document or website....

  4 minute read

What is Social CRM?

Read everything you need to know about Social CRM and what to keep a mind on when creating your Social CRM strategy. ...

  4 minute read

What is schema markup?

Find out everything you need to know about schema markup. Learn how schema markup can improve your SEO activities & grow your website today. ...

  4 minute read

What is domain authority?

How can you increase your domain authority? Find out your domain authority score and read how you can improve it to give your business a boost. ...

  4 minute read

What are keywords?

What are SEO keywords & why are they essential to boost your SEO game? Find out everything you need to know about keywords and grow your site today!...

  5 minute read

What are cookies online?

We've explained everything you need to know about cookies online. Read this article to learn everything about cookie banners & start following the cookie law! ...

  6 minute read

What is value-added tax?

Read everything you need to know about Value-added tax and how you can apply it to your business. ...

  4 minute read

What is SMS marketing?

Text message marketing can make your business a success. In this article, we'll discuss how to use text message marketing to benefit your business....

  6 minute read

What is PPC?

Read everything you need to know about PPC advertising and implement our tips & tricks to make your PPC campaign a success. ...

  6 minute read

What is B2B and B2C?

We've explained everything you need to know about business to business and business to consumer and how they can make your business a success....

  6 minute read

What is a call to action?

A call to action button can convert your visitors into customers. In this article, we'll discuss call to action marketing ideas and how to best implement them. ...

  4 minute read

What is a blog?

Read everything you need to know about blogging, blog posts, and blog pages in this article. We've shared great tips on how to write eye-catching blog posts. ...

  6 minute read

What is a 404 error page?

Having your own customised 404 error page can be beneficial to your website. Find out how to set up a 404 page today, and don't lose any more visitors! ...

  4 minute read

What is customer acquisition?

We've shared everything you need to know about customer acquisition costs. Read about the stages of customer acquisition and how they can benefit your business...

  6 minute read

What is upsell?

We've shared everything you need to know about upsell. Find out the benefits of upselling & read our tips on the best upsell marketing strategy....

  5 minute read

What is a Sitemap?

We've shared everything you need to know about sitemaps. Find out how a good XML sitemap looks like & where you can find a sitemap generator....

  5 minute read

What is robots.txt?

We've shared everything you need to know about robots.txt in this article. Find out how a good robots.txt looks like and where you can find a robots.txt checker....

  5 minute read

What is Google Analytics?

Find out the importance of Google Analytics and how to best use Google Analytics to make your website a success today....

  6 minute read

What is content writing?

Read all about the importance of content writing and how to create good content. Good content writing will benefit your content marketing efforts....

  7 minute read

What is Google Search Console?

How should you use Google Search Console? Find out all the ways that Google Search Console can benefit you and your business....

  5 minute read

What is local marketing?

What is local marketing? Read our effective local marketing strategies that you must implement to make your business a success today!...

  6 minute read

What is social media marketing?

Find out today how you can use social media for marketing. Read our 5 tips on how to implement a social media marketing strategy successfully....

  6 minute read

How to make money from blogging or from a website?

Do you want to make money with a (new) blog? You can! In this article, you will find a step-by-step guide with 9 valuable tips!...

  9 minute read

What is inbound marketing?

Learn the benefits of inbound marketing now! Read our tips on how you can implement an inbound marketing strategy that works for you and your business!...

  7 minute read

What is affiliate marketing?

Find out how affiliate marketing works and why it works. We've written a guide for affiliate marketing beginners. Get started with affiliate marketing today!...

  6 minute read

What is Smart Shopping ads on Google?

How does Smart Shopping Campaigns on Google work? Learn all the benefits you can gain from implementing Smart Shopping Campaigns on Google....

  7 minute read

Easy to use SEO analysis tool

Marketgoo's Website Performance Scan is an easy SEO analysis tool. Analyse your website with this SEO checker and gain more online traffic today!...

  5 minute read

What is Search Engine Advertising?

Search Engine Advertising is a great way to boost traffic to your website. Read our 6 great tips that you must consider when working with SEA Marketing....

  6 minute read

Google Ads

Google Ads is an advertising solution to be visible online. Do you want to know more? Read this article!...

  11 minute read

How to automate your emails?

Learn what email marketing automation is and why it's necessary for your business. Also, read our tips on how to write the best-automated emails to succeed....

  8 minute read

Where to put your logo on your website?

Your website logo is vital. We'll guide you on some important aspects to consider such as where to put your logo on your website & your logo size for your site....

  4 minute read

How to start an email outreach campaign?

Get in touch with potential customers by deploying a great email outreach campaign. Read our tips to write the best pitch emails & perfect your email marketing....

  7 minute read

What is local SEO?

Local SEO helps small businesses to grow. In this article, we've provided a guide that will help you implement local search engine optimisation and rank high!...

  7 minute read

How to improve your website’s end user experience?

What is UX? Find out what user experience design is and how you can improve your end user experience easily. Read our 3 great tips that will elevate your UX....

  8 minute read

How to set up Google Analytics?

What is a Google Analytics tracking code & how to set up Google Analytics? Read our step by step to create a Google Analytics account and start your journey....

  9 minute read

Google index. What, how, and why?

Read 8 great tips on how to get your website indexed faster and learn the process of Google indexing to ensure that spiders are crawling your website....

  14 minute read

How to add social media sharing buttons to your website?

See our guide on how to install social media share buttons on your WordPress and our top 5 social media share buttons plugins....

  6 minute read